STABLE is a combination of modified carbohydrate polymers. Made from natural plant materials that have no anti-nutritional side effects. STABEL is resistant to the effects of heat treatment in the pellet production and extrusion process or contact with acidic or alkaline materials. It absorbs moisture in the pellet feed production process and prevents moisture loss in cooler and storage conditions. By gradually releasing moisture, it increases the performance of pellet binders and improves the physical quality of the pellet.
Ingredients: Processed agricultural by-products, wheat bran and zeolite
Uses: Feed moisture retention, improver of physical abrasion of pellet feed
Amount and method of use: It is used in conventional diets at a rate of 1 to 5 kg per ton of feed.
The amount of STABEL used is in proportion to the amount of gelatinized moisture required in the diet.
Target species: Poultry (ancestors, mothers, broilers, layers, turkeys and ostriches)
Net weight: 25 kg
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